Worship Schedule & Office Hours
Worship at
8:00 a.m. and 10:30am (livestreamed) Office Hours: 9:00am-4:00pm Monday through Friday |
Worship Resources
Lower Susquehanna Synod Year of Prayer
At the June 2025 Lower Susquehanna Synod (LSS) Annual Assembly, a new bishop will be elected. Current Bishop James Dunlop has served his two terms and will be retiring. Electing a bishop is one of the most important responsibilities in the life of a synod. Engaging in prayerful reflection and seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit are critical aspects of the process of nomination and election of our new Bishop. To support this journey, all members of the Lower Susquehanna Synod are invited to participate in a year of prayer for our Synod and its future. Here at Trindle Spring, we will incorporating suggested prayers and hymns into our worship, and using this website and social media outlets to keep everyone up to date of what the prayer focus is for the month. Your are also invited to use the curated Spotify playlist for your own time of devotion and enjoyment!
Trindle Spring "Spirit Store"
You can now purchase Trindle Spring Lutheran Church branded apparel and accessories from online Spirit Store.
Upcoming Events
Your time & talents can help serve God.Whether you like to get your hands dirty, cook a great meal, or teach others about God, here at Trindle Spring Lutheran there is a place for you to use those gifts and talents. Click below to see specifics about our ministries.
A convenient alternative to writing checks.
If you're writing checks and preparing envelopes every week, you may find it more convenient to give online. In a few short minutes, you can make a one-time gift or set up donation(s) that will process automatically on a recurring basis. Recurring donations are convenient and provide our church with much needed consistent support throughout the year. FOR SECURITY PURPOSES YOUR PASSWORD WILL EXPIRE AFTER 90 DAYS AND YOU WILL NEED TO RESET IT TO LOG IN. |