Church Leadership
Trindle Spring Lutheran Church is at its best when members of the congregation are leading the way. We have an active Church Council that is responsible for mission, vision, health, and finances of the congregation. Except when the congregation meets as a whole, the Church Council is the decision-making body of the congregation. In addition to the Church Council, Trindle Spring has very active committees that are each responsible for particular areas of ministry. They are listed with a brief description below.
Church Council
Jan Ingraham, Council President
Ken Decker, Council Vice President
Bonnie Distad, Secretary
Cindy Duck
Marty Baim
Kathy Bowers
Bill Foulds
Deb Benner
Dennis Stoner
Karen Hale
Pastor Aaron Erdley
Pastor Martha Boyd
Ken Decker, Council Vice President
Bonnie Distad, Secretary
Cindy Duck
Marty Baim
Kathy Bowers
Bill Foulds
Deb Benner
Dennis Stoner
Karen Hale
Pastor Aaron Erdley
Pastor Martha Boyd
The Archives Committee carefully assembles and maintains the records of the congregation, its historical documents and artifacts.
Christian Education
With the assistance of our Pastors, this Committee offers a robust and vibrant educational program for both children and adults. Classes highlight the messages of scripture from our Lutheran perspective. Numerous classes are offered between our worship services on Sunday morning as well as during weeknights throughout the year. Annually this committee hosts a week-long Vacation Bible School for children through adults.
Called to share the good news of the Gospel with the world, the members of this Committee strive to make Christ accessible to all by creating a welcoming, non-judgmental atmosphere of fellowship. The committee assists members in living out their faith in the world beyond the four walls of the sanctuary.
Fellowship is a time to interact with each other, to discuss our lives, our faith and the life of the church. The members of this Committee plan activities that strengthen the relationships among our members and the community. Among the many fellowship opportunities we plan are supper clubs, bowling, hiking, picnics, retreats, baseball games and congregational trips.
This Committee oversees the congregation's financial affairs. In consultation with Committee Chairs, Church Council, and the Congregation through its Annual Meeting, the Committee prepares and manages the Congregation's Budget. It ensures prompt payment of all obligations, including benevolences to the synod and the community. The Committee also manages the Congregation's investments, its insurance program and arranges for annual audits of the accounts of the Treasurer.
Keeping Your Congregation Safe
The members of this Committee assure a safe, caring and nurturing environment for our children by teaching that our children are loved unconditionally, are capable, are worthwhile and are unique. This Committee develops and maintains our Approved Adult program, which assures that only properly qualified adults are responsible for the care and supervision of all children who attend congregational events and programs.
Mutual Ministry
Members of this Committee strengthen the life and mission of the Congregation by affirming the ministries of our congregational leaders, both called and elected. The Committee meets periodically to provide support, guidance and evaluation of the performance of both the Pastors and the staff.
A congregation exists to serve not only its own members but to be of service to the world. The members of this Committee are responsible for the congregation's evangelical mission to the world by identifying the community's needs and providing financial, spiritual and volunteer support to meet those needs. This committee has led the congregation in addressing world hunger, providing shelter for the homeless, safety for the abused, and care to those in need.
Parish Life
Fostering a spirit of Christian hospitality, this Committee provides for the food needs of the congregation and the community. This team prepares and serves meals at church socials commemorating special events and seasons in the life of the congregation. We offer meals during Vacation Bible School, provide food and fellowship to the community during our Second Saturday dinners and host funeral dinners as requested by our members. Our members know "There is nothing like a delicious meal to gather God's children together to foster deeper bonds of faith and fellowship!”
The members of the property committee maintain our building and grounds. This committee literally keeps the lights on, the building dry and our educational, recreational and worship spaces comfortable.
This committee is responsible for staffing. This includes most hiring of staff, as well as annual performance reviews and compensation recommendations.
Members endeavor to promote expression of our Christian faith in daily living. The Committee guides the Congregation towards faithful use of time, talent and treasure. As stewards of God's many blessings, committee members work to teach the congregation that, as stewards, our whole life is a partnership with God. The Committee strives to teach that stewardship is everything you do after you say, "I believe!"
The members of this Committee oversee the worship life of the congregation. Responsibilities include assuring that meaningful, Spirit-filled services are conducted in accordance with the Liturgy and Confessions of the ELCA, that our pastors are provided faithful and responsible worship assistants and that our devotional materials, altar linens, and vestments are properly maintained. Additionally, members, in cooperation with the pastors and music director, strive to promote the music ministry of the congregation by supporting varied opportunities to enhance worship through music and song.